Playing Punka: Combat (2)

In our previous article we talked about Assaults and which miniatures were allowed to fight, but now it is time to chew some gum and kick asses, and we are all outta gum, so let’s go punch some faces.


For the next examples we will assume that Imperatrix Rabiosa (armed with a Small blade) has been involved in this case of home violence with Crazy Mel (armed with a Medium blade) and she has Assaulted him using a Movement Action, granting her a +1 bonus to Combat. As her Combat attribute is 3, she gets a total of 4 thanks to that bonus. Crazy Mel has a Combat attribute of 6 and is also equipped with a Medium blade for an additional point, so he gets a total of 7.


To know who hits who they must make an opposed roll adding their respective Combat values. Rabiosa gets a 3, which added to her Combat 4 gives a grand total of 7. Mel gets a 7, which added to his Combat 7 gives a grand total of 14. It is obvious that, even if it was Rabiosa who assaulted her annoying partner, it is Mel who gets to hit first in this Combat.

Now we have to check if Mel manages to put Rabiosa down. For that they must make a Mel’s Strength opposed roll against Rabiosa’s Toughness, applying any relevant modifier. First we check their Armors. Rabiosa is wearing Hardened leather for Armor 2… but she also has a special rule that allows her to use her mechanical arm as a shield to get an additional +2 to Armor in close combat, so she has a total Armor 4. Mel is wielding a Medium blade, with Penetration 3, which is subtracted from Rabiosa’s Armor 4. That means Rabiosa still has 1 point of Armor that she must add to her Toughness for the opposed roll.


So Rabiosa rolls her die and gets a 9, which added to her Toughness 4 (3 + 1 from the Armor) gives a grand total of 13. Mel gets a 2, which added to his Strength 6 (4 + 2 from the Medium blade), gives a grand total of 8. Rabiosa won the opposed roll, so she is not Downed yet.

Rabiosa still has another unspent Action for this Turn, and she chooses to Fight (the only other option she had was Disengaging from the combat). As the Assault bonuses remain until the end of the Turn of the assaulting miniature, she will still benefit from the +1 bonus to Combat. As we have already seen before, Rabiosa has a total Combat of 4 and Mel a Combat of 7.


Both players make their opposed combat rolls to see who hits who. Rabiosa gets a 6, which added to her Combat 4 gives a total of 10. Mel gets an 8, which added to his Combat 7 gives a total of 15. It is Mel who again hits Rabiosa.

It is time again to make a new opposed roll to si if Mel manages to put Rabiosa down for good. As we have seen before, once applied every Armor and weapon modifiers, Mel’s Strength is 6 and Rabiosa’s Toughness is 4.


So Rabiosa rolls the die again and gets a 4, which added to her Toughness 4 gives a grand total of 8. Mel gets a 2, which added to his Strength 6 gives a grand total of 8. The opposed roll has been a tie, but as this is the active Turn of Rabiosa, she wins the tie (remember that, as a general rule, in case of a tie it is the player with the active Turn who wins the opposed rolls), and again manages to survive without being downed. If Mel would have get 3 or more in his die, he would have Downed Rabiosa.

Mass combat

This time we are discussing a Mass combat. A Pit beast Assaults using his two Movement Actions against a Ganger who already was fighting with a Mongrelmorph. The Beast has Combat 6 (4 + 2 thanks to the Extra limbs mutation) and besides gets an additional +2 Combat bonus due to his two Assault Movement Actions. But he also gets a +1 Combat bonus for having an ally engaged in the same combat (if this ally had had Combat 6 or more, such bonus would have been +2 instead of +1). This means that his total Combat attribute soars to a grand total of 9. The Ganger has Combat 5, with no bonus whatsoever to make it higher.


To know who hits who they must make an opposed roll adding their respective Combat values. The Beast gets a 10, which added to her Combat 9 gives a grand total of 19. The Ganger gets a 2, which added to his Combat 5 gives a grand total of 7. This is clearly not good news for the Ganger, who has been clearly hit.

Now we have to check if the Beast manages to put the Ganger down. For that they must make a Pit beast’s Strength opposed roll against the Ganger’s Toughness, applying any relevant modifier. First we check their Armors. The Ganger is wearing Tough clothes for Armor 1. The Beast is wielding a Heavy blade, with Penetration 3. That means the Ganger’s Armor is completely voided by the blade of the Beast, so he doesn’t get any Armor bonus to his Toughness.


So the Ganger rolls his die and gets a 9, which added to his Toughness 3 gives a grand total of 12. The Beast rolls his die and gets a 7, which added to his Strength 9 (6 + 3 from the Heavy blade) gives a grand total of 16. The Beast’s weapon obliterates the poor Ganger, who is Downed and out of the game.

If the Ganger had managed to survive the hit from the Beast, he should have chosen which one of both Mutards he would have attacked with his next Combat Actions.

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